Sheldon's philosophy: rig the game, restore the balance and it isn't the amount of the money that's important, it's the principle of the thing.
Sands: (Gives Belini a children's lunch box): I couldn't find a briefcase small enough for 10,000 dollars.
Belini: “You wouldn't dare kill me
over ten thousand dollars. You wouldn't dare.”
Sands: (quietly) “Yes I would.”
“Are you a Mexi-CAN… or Mexi-CAN’T?”
Sands: “You really must try this.
It's a slow roasted pork. Nothing fancy, just happens to be my favorite.
I order it with a tequila with lime at every dive I go to in this country,
and honestly this is the best it's ever been. Anywhere. In fact it's too
good. It is so good that when I'm finished with it, I'll pay my check,
walk straight into the kitchen, and shoot the cook. Because that’s what
I do. I restore the balance to this country. And that is what I would like
from you right now.”
El: “You want me to shoot the cook?”
Sands: “No, I’ll shoot the cook.
My car’s parked out back anyway.”
“Oh, no no no. The president will be killed because he’s that piece of good pork that needs to be balanced out. I say ‘attempted’ because we don’t want Marquez taking power. I need you to put the hurtin’ so to speak on Marquez after he’s killed the president. Savvy?”
“I’m just walkin’ my beat, friend. Mexico’s my beat, and I’m walkin’ it. I throw shapes and they catch them. Set ‘em up and watch them fall.”
“The CIA sharing a meal with the
FBI. Now if that isn’t interagency cooperation, I just don’t know what
“A real agent never retires. He
just takes it a little easier.”
“Did you happen to know Dr.
Guevera? Worked for the cartel? This doctor pumped your friend Archuleta
full of drugs, day after day, so that they could torture him for two weeks
before he died. You must’ve known that. Dr. Guevera himself having dinner
with your prey. I wonder what they’re up to now. Two weeks of torture already.
Think about that. For your dead friend. For the job you didn’t finish in
San Antonio. Now are you really going to let it slip away again?”
“I’d like you to have a bite of
my pork. Because it’s… the world.”
“Sometimes a revolution is exactly what is needed to clean up the citizens. One giant enema. Which just so happens to be my area of expertise. Bullfights. Bull hockey. You like this? The bull is stabbed, prodded, beaten. Bull is wounded. The bull is tired before the matador ever steps into the ring. Now. Is that victory? Of course it is. You want to know the secret to winning? Creative sportsmanship. In other words…one has to rig the game.”
“You’re a good rat. I like you!”
(upon finding the information
he wants hidden in Belini's hollow eye socket)
"I guess I should thank you for
not shoving it up your ass."
"Okay, Okay. I'm going to freak right out."
"I feel its only fair to warn you, that killing me is crossing the line, and that you'll have every marine from here to Guatanamo Bay up your kiester mister so just know that."
Sands: "I'm terribly sorry about
your chewing gum but...listen. I will give you this (Whacks head on
balcony) ouch...if you'll be my eyes."
Kid: "Es un dollar."
Sands-: "Alright, I meant this.
(takes out a bundle of notes) I need you to take me to the center of the
Kid: (whispers) "Is someone following
Sands: "Well it’s a little difficult
for me to tell right now because I’m kind of having a bad day. Do you see
someone? "
Kid: (whispers) "Yes, He's getting
(Sands undoes his fly and pulls
out a gun)
Sands: "Have you ever seen one of
these? Have you ever used one? Don't ever because they're very very bad.
But right now I need you to aim it at the bad guy who's following us, and
shoot him in the head."
Kid: "Matarlo?"
Sands: "Oh yeah! Very matarlo."