A rose by any other name might smell as sweet, but would Sheldon be Sheldon if his name were Tim or David or Colin? Well, here is what Sands' names mean. (These were taken from the kalabrians site.)
Your name of Sheldon makes you quick-minded, versatile, and very expressive. (Very expressive with a gun.) You are adaptable and creative in responding to new situations. This name has given you an interest in people and a desire for new experiences. You have the ability to create a favourable first impression (what with the three arms and all), and so you could do well in the fields of sales promotion or entertainment. The use of this name creates a lack of stability in your affairs as it inclines you to procrastinate. It spoils patience and weakens your stand in matters of principle. (What principles?) You are inclined to do whatever is expedient in order to avoid facing issues. You could suffer bitter experiences through attracting wrong types of association and can be drawn into circumstances involving you in unwise situations. (Very unwise.)
Jeffrey as a first name gives you a very independent nature, yet you are friendly, approachable, and generous. You can be a spontaneous, expressive, and talkative person. (Could talk the hindlegs off a donkey on that phone.) Generally you are good-natured, though at times you can be rather blunt and sarcastic. This name incorporates creative, artistic, and musical abilities, and there would be an element of originality in all that you do. You like to do things on the spur of the moment without planning or prior arrangements. (Shoot the cook!) Your spirits are buoyed up greatly by encouragement and appreciation. There is a tendency to be scattering in your efforts and you prefer to avoid menial jobs of a routine and repetitive nature. You are inclined to pursue good times and emotional indulgences to excess.
Weaknesses in health due to the influence of this name centre in the head. You could experience headaches, or difficulties with your teeth, ears, eyes, or sinuses. (Oooh, eye problems.) Disorders related to the liver, which would be aggravated by rich foods, could also arise. (Too much slow-roasted pork, obviously.)